Phia is a photographer using her camera as her third eye. She is constantly trying to experience life in new ways and through the experiences of different people. She unwilling relocated to Omaha Nebraska in 2019 after the death of her mother, and has fallen in love with the arranged marriage of this city. Previously she lived out of a van sacrificing comfort for experiences. Her passions are helping people connect and does this by trying to understand everything better.

If labels help you connect then she is:

a Myers-Briggs ENFP;

an enneagram 7;

a Cancer sun, Gemini moon, Aquarius rising;

Clifton Strength Finder top 5: Includer, Woo, Connectedness, Positivity, Learner;

biker, runner, rock climber;

dog caretaker;

and the one adjective she would use to describe herself is curious.

Phia has an active passport and travels often. For inquiries, feel free to contact her.